Monday 12 March 2018


      In the previous post, the importance of doing exercise and being physically active for our health has become clear. But this is not easy when you have a life where, due to schedules and other compromises, it’s difficult to maintain your habits or routines. For example: those people who regularly travel and spend a lot of time far away from their home due to work.
      Despite all, with good attitude and organisation you can reach any goal you want! That’s why we have dedicated this post to all that people who wants to move on, and we leave them some tips to do exercise during their business trips.
Following our tips it won’t be difficult to reach the WHO’s recommendations of 30’/day at least 5 days/week (as we saw in the previous post). Especially if we take into account that that 30’ can be divided into sets of at least 10’.

1. Plan your trip: learn to take advantage of your free time

Normally, before going on a business trip, we already know the meetings and events we’re going to have, and we also know our schedule in the destination office. It’s easy: a couple of days before the trip, we should dedicate a few minutes by sitting down and looking for free time in our timetable, in order to dedicate that time to do physical activity (such as walking, for example).

2. Use your waiting time at the airport
When we travel, we normally spend long periods of time at the airport, especially if we have to do a scale. Why not using this moments (that are usually boring moments) to do exercise? It’s simple, you just need to walk around the terminal, an easy but effective solution!

3. Go for a walk. You can go out before the working day starts

As we said before, a good option for doing sport during a trip is walking (or running, for the most prepared). It can be around the city, inside the office or in the airport terminal. If all your compromises impede to have any little moment to do it, the best option is a morning walk before the working day starts. Furthermore, this practice reports more positive effects, such as a better mood during all day due to the increase in the level of endorphins caused by physical activity. So don’t doubt it, you are waking up earlier for a good cause!
Walking on a business trip

4. Use the stairs whenever you can

Another good (and easy) option is to let the elevator apart and start using the stairs.

5. Use the hotel fitness centre

Nowadays most of hotels have sport facilities, such as gym or even a heated swimming pool. Always carry in your suitcase some sports clothes to take advantage of this kind of resources!

6. Take an elastic band always with you

Another option can be doing some exercises or routines in your hotel room, but most of the times we don’t feel like doing a routine when we’ve just arrived from a hard working day, and even more if it’s without any instrument. That can be more enjoyable if we include any type of material which enhances the workout. Obviously, we’re not going to travel with a fitball or a pair of dumbbells, but an elastic band it’s a good solution: it takes little space, it’s lightweight and we can do a wide variety of full-body exercises with it.
Sport in the working place

   7. Look for partners with the same objectives as you: you’ll find the motivation you need
It’s a fact that doing sport with company gives better results. Most of the times, there will always be somebody in the same situation as you. When you arrive to the destination workplace, tell if someone wants to do some exercise with you. You can even convince them with the information written in the previous posts. You will be surprised by the amount of people who wants to start moving and don’t know how to do it!

       Furthermore, in the next posts we will show you specific routines to do at the office, that could be maintained despite travelling because of work. And remember:


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  1. Podrían detallar qué ejercicios se pueden hacer con la banda elástica?

    1. Hola! Muy pronto subiremos un post tratando ese mismo tema. Estoy seguro que resolverá muchas de tus dudas!
      Gracias por tu comentario :)
      Hello! We'll write a post about that topic soon. I'm sure it'll be very useful.
      Thank's for comment :)

  2. Amparo Calabuig20 March 2018 at 10:27

    Muy interesante, ejercicios sencillos para realizar en cualquier momento y lugar. No hay excusas.

  3. Ideas geniales... si la pereza te deja ponerlas en práctica:-). Al menos ahora las sabemos y eso ya es algo!

  4. Interesting!!! Easy to carry out!!! Thank you!!

  5. very interesting for health



This post is aimed at all those people who are already motivated and have begun to exercise. For example, all those people who are active ...