Tuesday 6 March 2018


Does nutrition influence our cognitive activity and mood?

In many occasions, the lack of time, the rush or simply the fact of sleeping five minuts more, make us deprive ourselves from having breakfast, or some snacks, and make us go running from one place to another. We eat fast, "easy" and badly and these have repercussions in our level of daily activity.

Studies of six and eight weeks with workers that have been carried out show that dietary habits are related to mood and cognitive performance. These estudies, are focused mainly on the consumption of water, fiber and carbohydrates.


The subjects were evaluated during the work and the resting time.
It was shown that dehydration was related to the deterioration of some cognitive functions.
The programm, proposed the food that they had to take in every meal. There was a wide variety of them, from the rye bred to pieces of fruit or homemade buns.

And it was shown that, to maintain healthy dietary habits improve mood and therefore, cognitive performance or activity within your work circle. This does not mean that you have to be on a diet or always eat green to feel better or be more cheerful.

In the studies analyzed, there are a lot of varieties and options of meals, refreshments..etc.


The results in people that have been tested are lower values of depression or confusion.

Everything is related, good healthy habits with greater personal well-being, with a more positive mood and with a greater predisposition to active lifestyle.
Coversely, a low mood can promote overeating decreasing motivation to have a healthy lifestyle or healthy nutritional intake.

If you need a push, stay tuned to this blog. We are going to motivate you to exercice and offer you information about the benefits of it.

If you want, you can!
You can find more information about this topic in the following papers: 
- Morrison, Eleshia J. Clark, Matthew M. Wieland, Mark L. Weis, Jennifer A. Hanza, Marcelo M.K. Meiers, Sonja J. Patten, Christi A. Sloan, Jeff A. Novotny, Paul J. Sim, Leslie A. Nigon, Julie A. Sia, Irene G.(2017). Relationship Between Negative Mood and Health Behaviors in an Immigrant and Refugee Population. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health,19,655-664.
- Leedo, Eva Beck, Anne Marie ,Astrup, Arne. Lassen, Anne D.(2017).The effectiveness of healthy meals at work on reaction time, mood and dietary intake: A randomised cross-over study in daytime and shift workers at an university hospital. British Journal of Nutrition,118, 121-129.

Licencia de Creative Commons


  1. Buenas, habéis hecho incapié en la fibra y los carbohidratos, me gustaría saber las cantidades por semana que recomendaríais. Gracias.

    1. Hola muy buenas, disculpa la tardanza, hemos tenido algunos problemas con el buzón de comentarios pero ya estamos al día. Las cantidades pueden llegar a ser muy relativas en función del estilo de vida que lleves y de los objetivos nutricionales o dietéticos que quieras conseguir. Evidentemente, si eres deportista, pues los depósitos de hidratos deberán reponerse en mayor medida y con mayor frecuencia, pero esto también va a depender del tipo de deporte que usted realice, ( aeróbico, anaeróbico, hipertrofia..). Yo aquí, le voy a dejar los porcentajes base recomendados por la Organización mundial de la salud en cuanto al consumo de macronutrientes ( grasas, proteínas y carbohidratos).

      Grasas: Entre un 25-30%
      Carbohidratos: 55-60%
      Proteínas 10-15%.
      Por supuesto esto puede variar, es una medida aproximada. Los valores deben rondar esos mínimos y máximos pero para más información e individualización, te recomiendo que hables con un profesional en la materia.
      Gracias por tu comentario !



This post is aimed at all those people who are already motivated and have begun to exercise. For example, all those people who are active ...