Wednesday 16 May 2018


Today we have talked with Mª José, a young specialist in physical activity for health. Her knowledge gives us very valuable information about the importance of physical activity and its impact on our quality of life. Do not miss it!

Mª Jose 

How long have you been working with people who want to improve their quality of life?

Six years. I started in a sport centre carrying out sessions for seniors and nowadays I work with people who want to return to physical activity after an injury in a sport medic centre.

How many of these people have been forced to look for a professional like you, either by injury or illness?

Approximately the 80% of the people I work with have been forced. It is true that people do not anticipate until it is too late. The most convenient thing would be to be prepared to physical activity, so the injury would not happen.

In addition to rehabilitation, which other goals do your patients have?

They want to feel good, and above all they want to prevent so the injury does not return.

Which are the most common injuries or illness?

I see a lot of people with back pain due to hernias, protrusions or lumbago. Knee injuries are also very common.

What is or what do you think is the cause?

The cause is due to overuse and lack of prevention. Current lifestyle forces us to have very repetitive postures every day (to be seated in front of the computer, lift high loads, stress…) If this is not corrected doing mobility exercises, stretching, postural corrections, relaxation exercises, muscle care and more, it may result in join pain and injury.

So, could these injuries that we are talking about have been avoided by doing physical exercise?

I cannot guarantee at 100% that they will not appear because there are genetic factors. However, I can assure that they will arrive later and they will be easier to deal with.

Sedentarism, the big problem; do you think it comes from the current lifestyle (long days of work and stress), lack of interest or attitude, ignorance...?

I think it comes because of lack of time. We are subject to a lot of work, family obligations, etc. There is some ignorance too, but people are realizing that they have to take care of themselves and they are being informed. However, there is much as unprofessional people in our sector that we have to avoid and replace by qualified people to correctly inform about the lifestyle that we must follow to achieve the most important thing: TO FEEL GOOD.

Do you think that by means of an early education in physical activity, adults can maintain their sports habits? Could we get it? 

Completely, I am sure. Some schools are already doing it. We are implementing a wellness philosophy that will become much greater soon and will be essential for everyone, starting by children.

Finally, list in order of importance and according to your criteria what should be done by a person who wants to improve their quality of life.

I think some of them have to be linked so my answer is:


Thank you very much for your patience and attention.

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This post is aimed at all those people who are already motivated and have begun to exercise. For example, all those people who are active ...