Wednesday 18 April 2018


The term ‘economy class syndrome’ refers to the occurrence of thrombotic events during long-haul flights. The term is given because it is mainly associated to the economy class passengers, which usually travel in uncomfortable seats for long hours.

Sentado en el avión
It is the result from several factors related to de aircraft cabin and to the passenger. All those together can cause excessive blood coagulation, which can result in venous thromboembolism (VTE). VTE is the third cause of death by vascular diseases, affecting at 0.25% of the population. It is a clinical condition that involves venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

There are some factors related to the aircraft cabin and the passenger that that may cause VTE:

The Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) has published three categories which establish the risk of suffering VTE (shown in the following table).  Especially moderate and high risk individuals should be careful once they decide to travel by air.

tabla 2
Published by Dusse et al. (2017)
Preventive measures are extremely important. There are some guidelines that should be taken into consideration to prevent the occurrence of venous thrombosis:
  •          Avoid dehydration.
  •          Exercise regularly: short walks and calf muscle exercises.
  •          Wear a suitable outfit: prioritize comfort and avoid tight clothes.
  •          The use of compression stockings should be encouraged.

In following posts, we will talk about short exercise routines you can do in your journeys to prevent VTE.

Travelling is one of the greatest pleasures in live, do not stop doing it!

You can find more information about this topic in the following papers:

Abunnaja, S., Clyde, M., Cuviello, A., Brenes, R. A., & Tripodi, G. (2014). Concomitant deep venous thrombosis, femoral artery thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism after air travel. Case Reports in Vascular Medicine, 2014, 174147.

Dusse, L. M. S. A., Silva, M. V. F., Freitas, L. G., Marcolino, M. S., & Carvalho, M. das G. (2017). Economy class syndrome: what is it and who are the individuals at risk? Revista Brasileira de Hematologia E Hemoterapia, 39(4), 349–353.

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  1. En los viajes largos en avión el cuello también se resiente. Son válidos para este caso los ejercicios que propusieron en su post “síndrome cruzado superior”?

    1. ¡Por supuesto que valen! Si estás acostumbrad@ a acumular tensión en el cuello durante viajes largos, ejercicios específicos para ti serían ejercicios de movilidad y estiramientos, como los vistos en ese post.

  2. Gracias!! Lo haré en mi próximo viaje!!



This post is aimed at all those people who are already motivated and have begun to exercise. For example, all those people who are active ...