know that you are busy people, and the time is a problem to do exercise. We have written this post for all those people who spend a lot of time seated or inactive, who would like to move but can’t. We have thought it would be interesting to know some strategies to increase the expense of calories at work or on the way
to it, trying to be a little healthier.
In the previous posts you can find batteries of strength exercises and other ways to train at work, so here we will add other simple options.
For example:
When possible, go to work or the university walking. If it isn’t posible, you can go by
If the place is too far away and none of the above options is possible, or if you use public transport,
let's try to park the car or motorcycle
a couple of streets away, or try to get off one stop before, so that we can walk at least 5 minutes.
If we
work or live in buildings with many floors, try not to use the elevator and try
to climb the stairs.
- If there are too many floors, then, you must try to
climb at least two floors up stairs, and then, take the elevator to leave your
- If we can, we have to try to climb the steps of 2 in 2 to
work the musculature too.
- If we carry shopping bags or some weight, try to
mantain a good
postural higyene in the climb, climb the steps of 2 in 2 to work the back of legs. (lower trunk)
postural higyene in the climb, climb the steps of 2 in 2 to work the back of legs. (lower trunk)
We are always aware of what time is it, so let's take advantage of it to move!
- Every time the clock marks half an hour or a sharp hour (-: 30 or -: 00),
get up from the chair and perform 10 squats using my chair as a reference.
Every time you get up to go to the bathroom, perform 4 lunges (the exxercise in the photo) with each leg.
Every time you get up to go to the bathroom, perform 4 lunges (the exxercise in the photo) with each leg.
I assure you that others will not laugh, they will copy your strategies! The body remains blocked after so many hours inactive and these exercises are effective!
Eat thermogenic foods such as peppers or cinnamon, or stimulants such as
green tea or black tea. Thermogenic foods have capsaicin, a substance that increases caloric expenditure by the thermal effect they generate in the body in the digestive process.
Stimulant foods have theina or caffeine, which stimulates the central nervous system
and metabolism, which causes the caloric expenditure to increase from approximately 40 to 100 kcal.
But take care, the abuse of this products is very dangerous and unhealthy!
I guess we all take our water bottle to work. Or thermos, or some liquid with which to hydrate during our workday. If we do not take anything to drink, we must change. We always have to carry a small or large bottle of water with us.
You have to
drink between 1.5 L and 2L of water per day. (Athletes even more)
- Every time we drink water, or whenever we hold the bottle and we remember:
Perform 8-10 elevations of the object from the chest to the head.
Try to contact the staff of your office whenever possible to the face and not by e-mail.

For that, get up, walk and increase your standing time.
These small strategies are very simple but may help us increase
our caloric expenditure or at least activate a little more.
Let's be positive, in a day we may realize:
- 40 squats
- 60 elevations
- 28 lunges
- Walk 20 minutes
- Climb 50 steps
Calculate what would be a week and above all, compare with what you did before and
feel better!

Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional.
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